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Opening up access to London City financial markets and financial service industries.

To gain employment whether that is with a Bank, a Wealth Management firm, a Ratings agency, an IT or software Vendor or any other of the hundreds of companies that exist in, and service, this industry; a well paid industry ! There are nearly 350,000 people employed in the ‘City’ consisting of hundreds and hundreds of companies. All of these companies have demand each year for new graduates, young professionals and similar. Whether you are from the UK, Europe or Asia the opportunities are there.

You might ask. But where do I start ? How do I find out about these opportunities ? How can I find opportunities that others won’t and significantly boost my chances of getting hired ? How do I approach them ? What should I put on my CV ? How will the interview go ? What questions will I be asked ? How best to answer them? What should I do right after the interview ? How do I handle the salary question ? What else should I be doing ? What financial information will I be expected to know? What can I do that makes my application stand out from all the others ?

This is where Opening City Doors comes in.

OCD provides easy-to-digest financial know-how blogs that will differentiate you from the rest . See Market Knowledge section.

OCD also provides career blogs that take you through the job search, application and interview minefield ! See Advice section.

I hope you find the blogs insightful.

If you want 1-2-1 assistance around CVs, covering letters, mock interviews, finding job opportunities, mentoring through the whole process let me know. We have a unique insight into applications that generate an interview and those that don’t. We are also very familiar with specific interview questions asked by specific firms.  

By the way – what gives me the right to say we can help you ? Hopefully I answer that in the About section.

Good Luck