1.Bonds and Fixed Income mean the same thing. 2.Most bonds are ‘Straights’ having an fixed interest payment every year called a coupon and a repayment […]
Networking: How To Get A Financial Job Outside A Graduate Programme
Getting on a Graduate Programme is great if you can but the odds are broadly 100-1 against and unless you are from the university higher […]
10 Foreign Exchange ‘Must-Knows’ For Interview
1.Every trade involves selling one currency for another. The most traded ‘currency pairs’ are USD/GBP USD/EUR USD/JPY. 2.The USD/GBP rate is also known as ‘Cable’ […]
Graduate Market Update
Interest Rates We have a world where either economic growth is stagnating or there is a fear of such stagnation! Europe is one of the […]
Start Your Career In London Financial Markets Via FinTech or Vendor Companies
When targeting employment in London Financial Markets graduates tend to think about large and well-known investment banks and fund management firms.They are unaware that such […]
Financial Careers: My Typical Day As A Bond Trader
My day differed a little when I was at a large firm or ‘shop’ like Morgan Stanley compared to when I was at a smaller […]
Jobs :The Great Employer / Employee Hiring Mismatch
Read top to bottom for the way employers like to hire. Read bottom to top for the way most job hunters like to get hired. […]
My Best & Worst Job Search Campaigns
It took me a while to learn how it all works – perhaps I can save you some time and pain. Worst – in order […]
Tier 2 & Tier 3 target companies (smart job searching)!
Well, if you’re going for what some regard as the cream of the market jobs and you fight off all the considerable competition then you’ll […]
Buy Side versus Sell Side
So you want to be a Financial Market Trader or an Analyst or a Salesman. Do you want to work on the buy side or […]