A common question especially in Asset Management interviews In thinking on where to invest $1 million I first think about what a typical investor portfolio […]
Graduate Market Update
As interest rates rise around the world to combat significant inflation bond yields in both short-term (i.e. 2-year bonds) and medium-term (i.e. 10-year bonds) have […]
How Does Geopolitical Risk Affect Markets?
Any international conflict, or the threat of conflict, such as current US/North Korea tension or US/China Trade Disputes or any ‘shock event’ unsettles markets. The […]
Graduates: Know These Financial Market Benchmarks For Interview
When you are at interview with any financial institution you’ll undoubtedly spend some time with a business person additional to interviewing with Human Resource personnel. […]
10 Fixed Income ‘Must- Knows’ For Interview
1.Bonds and Fixed Income mean the same thing. 2.Most bonds are ‘Straights’ having an fixed interest payment every year called a coupon and a repayment […]
10 Foreign Exchange ‘Must-Knows’ For Interview
1.Every trade involves selling one currency for another. The most traded ‘currency pairs’ are USD/GBP USD/EUR USD/JPY. 2.The USD/GBP rate is also known as ‘Cable’ […]
Financial Careers: My Typical Day As A Bond Trader
My day differed a little when I was at a large firm or ‘shop’ like Morgan Stanley compared to when I was at a smaller […]
Buy Side versus Sell Side
So you want to be a Financial Market Trader or an Analyst or a Salesman. Do you want to work on the buy side or […]
Why Stock Market Highs With So Much Bad News Around?
You might get asked at interview to explain why with so much bad news around Stock Markets around the world are generally at or above […]